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While enchanters can create special gems in their kiln, these gems must first be charged before they may be used.

The process of charging a gem is called Wrangling, and it is its own discipline. In order to wrangle a gem, one must entrap a mob's essence just a few rounds before it dies. If the entrap is successful, the mob will drop a chaos essence which may then be wrangled into a gem.

If you have the ktrig VAF you can put "wrangle" into it and ensure you entrap every time.


  • You must be using an enchanter-made gem to entrap or wrangle. These commands do not work with the jewels from mining. Those are merely some of the components which an enchanter uses to make a gem.
  • Your entrap attempt will only last a few rounds. If the mob does not die shortly after you start to entrap, the attempt will be wasted.
  • Once an entrap attempt has been made, whether successful or not, the gem can no longer be stashed.
  • Gems must be filled to 100%. Less than this and they are unusable.
  • Gems have a "tolerance" for overcharging. If you exceed that tolerance, the gem may crack or even shatter completely.
  • Gems may only be wrangled a finite number of times. Examine your gem to see how many attempts it has left.
  • You will receive the same amount of cxp for filling a gem in 1 "entrap" attempt, as you will for filling the gem in the maximum amount of "entrap" attempts.

Class Sizes[]

As you progress, the gem will require more effort to fill. The total needed to fill the gem seems to be directly linked to total class size.

Example: If the gem needs 60,000 in class total, you can wrangle 1-60k mob, 2-30k mobs, 3-20k mobs, etc. Be careful, each gem only possesses a certain number of 'entrap' attempts. The following is an approximation of total class needed for gem levels:

  • Levels 1 - 4 Total needed ~11,500 - ~14,400
  • Levels 5 - 9 Total needed ~24,000
  • Levels 10 - 14 Total needed ~48,000
  • Levels 15 - 19 Total needed ~69,000
  • Levels 20 - 24 Total needed ~120,000 - ~130,000
  • Levels 25 - 29 Total needed ~175,000 - ~184,000
  • Levels 30 - 34 Total needed ~240,000 - ~260,000
  • Levels 35 - 39 Total needed ~345,000 - ~379,000
  • Levels 40 - 44 Total needed ~485,000 - ~524,000
  • Levels 45 - 49 Total needed ~765,000 - ~809,000
  • Levels 50 - 54 Total needed ~950,000 - ~1,100,000
  • Levels 55 - 59 Total needed ~1,200,000 - ~1,300,000
  • Levels 60 - 64 Total needed ~1,650,000 - ~1,800,000
  • Levels 65 - 69 Total needed ~2,050,000 - ~2,100,000
  • Levels 70 - 74 Total needed ~2,400,000
  • Levels 75 - 79 Total needed ~3,100,000
  • Levels 80 - 84 Total needed 3,608,250 - ~3,650,000
  • Levels 85 - 89 Total needed ~3,850,000 - ~4,250,000
  • Levels 90 - 94 Total needed ~4,350,000 - ~4,600,000
  • Levels 95 - 99 Total needed ~5,400,000 - ~5,650,000

Tricky Part[]

Ok, here's the tricky part:

  As you know, it is often very difficult to find mobs that do not fluctuate in class size. 
  If you should find a mob that is good for wrangling that only fluctuates within a 
  small amount, write it down, and note his location. You'll be revisiting him often. 
  It is good practice to try and find a mob that will almost get you to 100%, then   
  finish it off with a couple of tiny mobs; according to the level of the gem, and the 
  percentage left to be filled on the gem. This information is available by simply 
  'exa'mining the gem. For example, it's much easier to kill one 70k mob to get 
  95% of the gem, then still have 8 or 9 attempts to get the remaining 5% on small 
  stuff. Also, mobs under 3k seem to be mostly static in class.

N.B. Legendary gems are less tolerant to overcharging than the lesser gems, so are more likely to crack and break if you try to wrangle too large a mob.

If you form a party (even with just yourself) then the partykills command will give you the exact class of the mobs you kill. You can then use this to estimate the remaining class necessary to fill the gem. For the math-impaired, class size * percent filled / 100 = remaining class needed.

We Mud Together has a chart with the class size vs. scaler level for dungeons which may be helpful for finding the right band.

Specfic Wrangling Data[]

Pelonza's Wrangling Ranch

  • Minor Might, class 2095, 16.8%
  • Minor Might, class 6385, 51.2%
  • Minor Blades Protection, class 7220, 58.04%
  • ...

One Shot, One Kill[]

The sniper's approach to wrangling.

  • Level 2 gem - Smelly Smurf [class: 13050] - 100%.
  • Level 7 gem - Big Vicious Rabbit [class: 25810] - 100%.
    • Sometimes the Big Vicious Rabbits will crack a Level 7 gem, if they are larger than the 25xxx class. Be wary. 2 of 10 gems cracked on me.
    • Sometimes the Big Vicious Rabbits will pop a Level 8 gem. [The class was: 30950]
  • Level 7 gem - A Swampling [class: 24000-26000], Wormhole Addition Tharog's area in Chaos.
    • About 10% of the time it will only fill up to 98.5% but it's worth the trip.
  • Level 10-14 Gems: Skeleton Knight/Blood Golem, level 4 Necromancer's Lair. [Approx 52000]
    • Cracked a couple, none destroyed.
  • Level 15-19 Gems: Shambling Zombie, Aegis Global level 1 [Approx 81000]
    • Worked every time, no cracks.
  • Level 20-24 Gems: Undead Ghost, Alizarian Forest [Approx 124000]
    • Worked every time, no cracks.
    • Mummies and Werebeasts in the same area work, but some (over 130k) will crack.
  • Level 31 Gem: Creature of Jade, Ant Hole [class: Approx 260k~280k]
  • Level 37 Gem: Aegis Soldier Model 66-SO (lvl 5) [class: 358k]
  • Level 40-44 Gems: POL2 Dragon beasts [Approx 525k-580k]
    • Will crack a few
  • Level 55-59 Gems: POL3 main area mobs (Stag, Elf, Wyvern, Wolf approx 1.3-1.4M)
    • Will crack a about 30% due to some mobs being 1.5m

2 shots, 100% filled[]

  • Minor Might, 2 x Loading Dock Worker (from Hamilton Plant), class 6030. 100% filled.
  • Minor Agility, Warhaft, class 11585 + Rimalkin, class 1830. 100% filled.
  • Level 7 gem, Middle-aged monk + strong monk. 100% filled.
    • This procedure cracked and destroyed gems for me. Classes likely too variable.
  • Level 5-9 gem: Land warhaft x 2.
  • Level 15-19 Gems: Guardian to the Arch Mage (38K).
  • Level 25-29 Gems: Rotting Zombie, Aegis Global Level 2 [Approx 90000].
    • Perfect every time.
  • Level 25-29 Gems: A guarding soldier + servant, Ink's Encampment
    • Perfect every time so far (after 40 gems).
  • Level 35-39 Gems: 2x Aegis Sentry 62-CC, 4x Lvl 2 Zombies, 1x 62-CC + 2x Zombies

Related help files[]

See: crafthelp chaos wrangling on the mud.
