3 Kingdoms MUD Wiki


3 Kingdoms MUD Wiki

Copied from 3k on January 25, 2024

  THE MAGE GUILD : Spell : Sleep

  A very useful spell for the lower mages.  This spell will put your foe
  to sleep for a short duration.  Allowing you to pound on it murderously
  without fear of retribution.

  A creature once slept will be more wise the second time around and will
  resist any future attempts at being slept.

  Very powerful monsters will resist the effects of this spell, and in
  many cases the spell will BACKFIRE on you, putting YOU to sleep.  This
  generally results in a dead mage.

  i.e. Don't use this on the Undead Knight, etc... (or really any
       mid to large monster)

  All creatures have a chance to resist the effects, however, though
  resisting does not mean backfiring.

  In combat:cast sleep
  Else     :cast sleep on <monster>

 Updated by Xerx on 04/01/1999

  Spell stats for sleep:
  Level : 12  Cost: 50/50  Category : O (offensive)
