Copied from 3k on January 25, 2024
::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: THE MAGE GUILD : Spell : Perform ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Perform allows the mage to set up a continuous controllable force around the caster that causes him to do a set action every round it is active. Activating, or changing the action costs spell points, but deactivating it or checking the action does not. Perform can be passed an SP value. If your SP falls below that value you will not cast that round. Syntax: cast activate - Turn it on cast deactivate - Turn it off cast perform as <action> - Set up an action to perform cast perform as <SP>/<action> - Set up an action to perform above that SP value cast perform - Show your defined action Example: cast perform as 200/cast magic missile at cancer cast activate Updated by Solo on 06/17/2002 Spell stats for perform: Level : 3 Cost: 0/0 Category : E (enhancing)