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3 Kingdoms MUD Wiki

Copied from 3k on January 25, 2024

  THE MAGE GUILD : Spell : Greater Contingency

 Greater Contingency is one of the more complex spells available to you.
 It allows you to set up a magical energy 'force' that surrounds you and
 monitors you.  You can set up the greater contingency to react in a split
 second to the ending of a spell.
 If it fails or runs out, your greater contingency will be activated.

 Note: Greater Contingency can cast as many spells per round as you
       have contingencies!  However, the casting cost increases for each
       spell cast in this manner.

 Every time a greater contingency is activated and performs an action,
 it has a chance of failing, when this happens you will have to re-cast your
 greater contingency.

 The format of the greater contingency spell is tricky, and it is important
 that it is done correctly.

  Note: Contingencies for 'quit' and 'hmsever' will not function

  cast greater contingency as <trigger>#<value>#<action>

  Most duration spells are valid for use with greater contingency.

  Here is the current list of valid contingency triggers:

  Trigger                 Description
  -------                 ------------------------------
  armor                   The armor spell
  blinking                The blink or blur spell
  blur                    The blink or blur spell
  invisibility            The invisibility or mass invisibility spell
  invisible               The invisibility or mass invisibility spell
  major globe             The major globe spell
  major_globe             The major globe spell
  minor globe             The minor globe spell
  minor_globe             The minor globe spell
  mirror image            The mirror image spell
  mirror_image            The mirror image spell
  prismatic_aura          The prismatic aura spell
  prismatic aura          The prismatic aura spell
  prot_evil               The protection from evil spell
  prot_good               The protection from good spell
  protection from evil    The protection from evil spell
  protection from good    The protection from good spell
  shield                  The shield or magnificent shield spell
  stoneskin               The stoneskin or rhino skin spell

  cast greater contingency as shield#cast shield
  This will cause you to cast another shield if your shield spell fails.

  cast greater contingency as stoneskin#cast rhino skin
  This will cause you to cast rhino skin if your rhino skin spell fails.

  cast greater contingency as prot_evil#cast protection from evil
  This will cause you to cast another protection from evil if your protection
  from evil spell fails.  The following is equivalent.
  cast greater contingency as protection from evil#cast protection from evil

  Note: You cannot have more than one contingency per trigger. 

 See also:
  remove greater contingency. contingency

  Spell stats for greater contingency:
  Level : 117  Cost: 2230/2230  Category : E (enhancing)
