3 Kingdoms MUD Wiki


3 Kingdoms MUD Wiki

Copied from 3k on January 25, 2024

  THE MAGE GUILD : Spell : Entice

 Using your magical ability you can attempt to entice a monster to see
 things from your perspective on good and evil. Should you be succesful, 
 the monster's alignment will shift to be closer to yours. Should you fail, 
 it will be rather upset at the ethical harangue.

 Once a monster has fallen victim to Entice, your better judgement 
 prevents any further attempts to cast the spell on that creature. 

 **** NOTICE ****

 Since there are so many alignment affected guilds out there, using 
 this spell in any way to ruin another player, guild etc is a quick way to 
 get you kicked out of the guild and/or have other nasty things happen to you.

 Players cannot be affected by this spell.

  cast entice at monstername

 Updated by Missinglink on 26/06/2004

  Spell stats for entice:
  Level : 125  Cost: 500/500  Category : E (enhancing)
