Copied from 3k on January 25, 2024
::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: THE MAGE GUILD : Spell : Deeppockets ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Deeppockets creates an extra dimensional 'rift' in your clothes that allows you to store items of any sort therein. The pocket can hold a great amount of weight, but there is only room for a certain number of items. The rift will eventually close, at which point all of your items within will be spit out onto your person. When your pocket starts to fade you can cast deeppockets again to strengthen the magic on the pocket. If you do not, the pocket will fade as noted above. If you wish to end your deeppockets before it expires normally, you can type 'killpocket' Syntax: cast deeppockets Updated by Xerx on 03/31/1999 Spell stats for deeppockets: Level : 17 Cost: 50/50 Category : E (enhancing)