3 Kingdoms MUD Wiki


3 Kingdoms MUD Wiki

Copied from 3k on January 25, 2024

  THE MAGE GUILD : Spell : Conjure Animals

 Conjure Animals calls forth several small rodents to attack your target
 at the best of their ability.  They are very weak, and tend to die
 quickly, but they are fearless.

 All spells which bring into existence physical forms to fight for you
 (excluding phantasmal killer) can be sent away using the command
 'say <summon/group>, begone'.
 You cannot send away other peoples conjurations.
 This applies to every spell that conjures.

  cast conjure animals

 See also: summons, summoning

 Updated by Missinglink 24-05-04

  Spell stats for conjure animals:
  Level : 37  Cost: 120/120  Category : S (summoning)
