3 Kingdoms MUD Wiki


3 Kingdoms MUD Wiki

This is a list of all spells available to the Mage guild. This list was accurate as of Jan 24, 2024.

Spell Name                           SpL  Cost Base     Ctg
---------------------                ---  ---- ----     ---
box check                              1     0    0      E
corpse blast                           1     0    0      E
burning hands                          1     5    5      O
esp                                    1     5    5      I
recruits                               1     5    5      I
armor                                  1    15   15      D
shield                                 2    15   15      D
perform                                3     0    0      E
deactivate                             3     0    0      E
wizard mark                            3    15   15      F
activate                               3    20   20      E
dispel magic                           5    50   50      D
confuse languages                      6    30   30      I
comprehend languages                   6    30   30      I
rcost                                  7     0    0      N
magic missile                          7    10   10      O
light                                  8    10   10      E
find familiar                          8    25   25      S
darkness                               9    10   10      E
monster summoning 1                    9    65   65      S
stop marking                          10     0    0      E
stop mapping                          10     0    0      E
magic mapper                          10    50   50      E
magic marker                          10    50   50      E
detect evil                           11    20   20      I
detect good                           11    20   20      I
minute meteor                         12    15   15      O
strength                              12    25   25      E
sleep                                 12    50   50      O
remove contingency                    13     0    0      E
contingency                           13   130  130      E
monitor                               14     0    0      I
acid arrow                            14    15   15      O
friends                               14    25   25      D
flash                                 15    15   15      E
audible glamer                        15    30   30      F
mystic immersion                      16     0    0      E
telekinesis                           16    35   35      E
clairaudience                         17    35   35      I
deeppockets                           17    50   50      E
shocking grasp                        18    20   20      O
spectral force                        19     0    0      E
identify                              19    55   55      I
fools gold                            20    50   50      F
stinking cloud                        21    55   55      O
polymorph                             22    65   65      E
phantom sentry                        24    50   50      I
create golem                          26     0    0      S
summon swarm                          27    75   75      S
levitate                              28    75   75      E
stop finding                          29     0    0      E
find the path                         29   100  100      E
web                                   30    50   50      O
extension 1                           31    50   50      E
clairvoyance                          32    65   65      I
recharge                              33    75   75      E
protection from evil                  35    45   45      D
protection from good                  35    45   45      D
detect scrying                        36   100  100      I
magic mouth                           37    50   50      F
conjure animals                       37   120  120      S
monster summoning 2                   38    95   95      S
ventriloquism                         38    50   50      F
freezing sphere                       39    25   25      O
blur                                  40    80   80      D
dismissal                             41   100  100      O
scare                                 42    60   60      O
minor globe                           43   110  110      D
phantasmal killer                     44   110  110      O
ice storm                             45    35   35      O
hold monster                          46    85   85      O
extension 2                           47    75   75      E
black tentacles                       48   130  130      S
fireball                              49    40   40      O
remove summon config                  50    35   35      S
lightning bolt                        50    38   38      O
summon config                         50    35   35      S
rhino skin                            51    95   95      D
summon soul                           52     0    0      E
soul bind                             52   200  200      E
cone of cold                          53    40   40      O
slow                                  54    95   95      O
conjure elemental                     55   140  140      S
clenched fist                         56    47   47      O
true seeing                           57   100  100      I
secure shelter                        58   150  150      D
mindblank                             59   275  275      D
giant strength                        60   200  200      E
fear                                  61    80   80      O
polymorph other                       62   150  150      D
mystic vision                         63   110  110      I
anchor                                64   200  200      E
extension 3                           65    95   95      E
haste                                 67   100  100      E
instant summons                       70   160  160      E
monster summoning 3                   72   155  155      S
disjunction capable                   75    10   10      E
disjunction prevention                75    30   30      E
know alignment                        75    50   50      I
disjunction                           75    50   50      E
sustain                               75    75   75      E
subjugate                             75   100  100      E
explosive release                     75   100  100      O
augur                                 75   250  250      I
spell tap                             76   100  100      E
invisibility                          77   100  100      D
wizard eye                            80    65   65      I
planewalk                             80   150  150      E
monster summoning 4                   81   215  215      S
magnificent shield                    82   110  110      D
power word stun                       83   200  200      O
venomous spray                        84    50   50      O
locate monster                        85    95   95      E
mirror image                          86   100  100      D
confusion                             87   100  100      O
animate weapon                        88   315  315      S
focus mind                            88   600  600      E
death fog                             89   150  150      O
blink                                 90   150  150      D
enchant                               91   150  150      E
fumble                                92   150  150      O
animate shield                        93   335  335      S
stoneskin                             98   115  115      D
prismatic spray                      100    60   60      O
major globe                          100   160  160      D
impact transformation                102   600  600      E
feeblemind                           103   100  100      O
energy drain                         104   150  150      O
disintegrate                         105    70   70      O
gate                                 105   500  500      S
fabricate                            106   150  150      E
prismatic aura                       107   115  115      D
monster summoning 5                  107   285  285      S
charm monster                        108   300  300      O
trace ownership                      109   100  100      I
monstrous fortitude                  112   200  200      E
mystic atrophy                       115   175  175      O
remove greater contingency           117     0    0      E
greater contingency                  117  2230 2230      E
conjure greater elemental            120   525  525      S
implosion                            123    80   80      O
monster summoning 6                  123   365  365      S
prismatic sphere                     125   155  155      D
eye of the minotaur                  125   200  200      E
entice                               125   500  500      E
superior hold                        126   117  117      O
mass invisibility                    130   210  210      D
monster summoning 7                  138   455  455      S
mental distortion                    140   200  200      O
incinerate                           142    85   85      O
frostbite                            142    85   85      O
mantle                               145   105  105      D
monster summoning 8                  149   750  750      S
mind warp                            150   100  100      O
sunspear                             160   100  100      O
