3 Kingdoms MUD Wiki


3 Kingdoms MUD Wiki
 CYBORGS :: Panic Induction Transfuser
 The panic induction transfuser is a devious implant located in the 
 Cyborg's finger capable of launching a high velocity armour piercing 
 dart at their enemy. Upon contact the dart injects a series of hormones 
 including epinephrine into the body of the victim inducing the classic 
 "fight-or-flight" response. The hormonal overload causes the victim to 
 enter an uncontrollable state of fear and flee the room. The nature of 
 the hormones injected cause the victim to become unpredictable and 
 violent in their unnatural state of panic, be warned.
 Note: This implant can be installed in multiple instances.
       This implant gives access to the 'panicit' power.
       The info for this command is panic even though the actual command
       is panicit.
 In-game Bonus: Cause Fear
 Body Location(open/used)           Body Slots Required(open/used)     
 right index finger                 right index finger
 right middle finger                right middle finger
 right ring finger                  right ring finger
 right pinky finger                 right pinky finger
 left thumb                         left thumb
 left index finger                  left index finger
 left middle finger                 left middle finger
 left ring finger                   left ring finger
 left pinky finger                  left pinky finger
 right thumb                        right thumb
 Control Required: 2.00             Power Cost: 20
 Credit Cost: 40000                 Heat Generated: Low