CYBORGS :: Adaptoflage Unit
Utilizing a microthin optoelectronic membrane system, the adaptive camouflage unit, or Adaptoflage, is able to essentially cloak the cyborg and make them invisible to the naked eye. When the membrane is deployed from the unit, it rapidly covers the body of the cyborg in a matter of milliseconds. The membrane utilizes a system of active-pixel sensors (APS) combined with an extremely thin and flexible display panel on the outermost layer of the membrane. Each APS effectively captures an image of the surrounding environment and this image is displayed on the corresponding display on the opposite side of the cyborg. The result is that a potential enemy sees right through the cyborg and can not detect their presence. The speed and consistency of the image is improved with a high level of SINC Incorporation, thus a more intelligent foe may not be fooled by the illusion if S.I. is low. This entire technology was made possible due to the discovery of a new optically and electrcally sensitive compound by Fingolfin on a C.R.C. sanctioned mission to the outer reaches of the Solar System.
In-game Bonus: Cloaking Device
Body Location(open/used) Body Slots Required(open/used)
back left upper back exterior, right upper back exterior
Control Required: 3.00 Power Cost: 4 Credit Cost: 90000 Heat Generated: Medium