A Sim-PK event with mixed popularity.
When logging in you will be required to type, in caps, PLEASE KILL ME, indicating that you have no intention to bitch when you die - by any means, or for any reason - through the duration of the Anarchy.
One can join in an Anarchy at any point, unlike Bloodmatch where you will have to register your interest in the first five minutes. For the first 30 minutes of an Anarchy, which is one hour long, Sim-PK is limited to in the realms, and thus, players who want to participate in the first thirty minutes will often gather at the first room of Chaos or Wayhaven.
During the final 30 minutes of an Anarchy, its a free for all that basically revolves around the bottom four players being killed instantly by well, everyone, a Coup de Grace.
If you die to a real mob during an Anarchy, by any means, and this is especially if some player who you've decided to follow drags you somewhere with the intent to kill you, there is no recourse. You will also lose XP since it is a normal death.